Fachschaft TUM SOM

B.Sc. in Management & Technology

The Bachelor in Management & Technology offers a combination of management studies with a minor from an engineering/natural sciences field. This mixture equips graduates with a unique level of expertise at the interface between management and technology, which is in high demand on the job market as our corporate partners confirm.

This interdisciplinary degree program is perfect for all students who are pursuing a business-related career but also have an interest in technical aspects. The day-to-day curriculum of a management degree is enhanced by exciting technical subjects. This approach also raises the bar in terms of difficulty, with a sound understanding of mathematics and natural sciences among the main requirements. But the effort definitely pays off in the end! Here are some benefits:

  • You are perfectly trained to work at the interfaces between departments, because you understand the language and approach of engineers
  •  The TUM School of Management enjoys an excellent reputation – across Germany as well as internationally
  • Highly engaged student body with lots of student initiatives
  • Innovative, practice-oriented teaching approach, seminars and tutorials in small groups
  • Unique opportunities for founders at TU Munich

The curriculum is absolutely unique in its current form across Germany. There is an option for completing the entire program 100% in English (alternatively 60% German/40% English). The prescribed period to earn the Bachelor is six semesters. Afterwards, you have the chance to apply for the consecutive Master in Management & Technology.

Want to learn more? Find all the details on our page for prospective students and submit an application.



During the course of the program, you have a choice between six engineering/natural sciences fields:

  • Chemistry
  • Electrical and Information Technology
  • Informatics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Renewable Resources
  • Medicine

Project Studies

The degree program also features a so-called project-based course. In this unique format, you and your fellow students will work on your own (sub-)project at a company. This allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice while building important soft skills. Your efforts will be supervised and graded by one of the chairs of the TUM School of Management.

Studies Abroad

Additionally, you will have ample opportunity to spend a semester abroad through the university-wide exchange program TUMexchange, as well as faculty-specific partnerships and the Erasmus program. With elective modules in the area of 18 ECTS, it is rather easy to attain credits for your study performance abroad.


Additionally, you have the opportunity to sign up for elective modules from an economic sciences and technical background (18 ECTS in total). Your choices are rather unrestricted, you can just search for them in TumOnline. You can also most of the time choose the credits you attained abroad as electives.

Suggesting New Modules

Students can make suggestions for modules that seem to fit into the existing technical specializations. Also, modules that could taken as an elective in management can be proposed. If you have suggestions for new subjects and modules you can submit them to the faculty using this form .

Engineering/natural sciences fields

The lectures belonging to engineering / natural sciences start from semester two. When registering on TUM-online for the respective exam, you commit to choosing the associated technical specialization. Changes are only possible in exceptional cases. Do not worry, however, as we will support you with extensive information during the decision process.

Please be aware of the fact, that many technical lectures take place on the other TUM campus in Garching. This applies to all technical specializations except for electrical engineering. All business-related lectures will still be held on campus.

The technical specialization of renewable resources can only be taken on campus in Straubing. For sure it is also possible to take all other Bachelor-courses there. As this specialization is relatively new and experience is rather limited, we strongly recommend you to talk to our contact person for renewable resources or the faculty representative to be well informed.

Electrical Engineering


  • Lectures in small groups
  • Future-oriented topics, such as renewable energies
  • Several options for choice, also already during your Bachelors’
  • All lectures take place on the main campus
Felix Neo Rieder

Felix Neo Rieder

Contact Person Electrical Engineering



  • Well-thought-out and doable lectures
  • Friendly lecturers
  • Hands-on and interesting experiments
  • Repetition exams right at the end of the semester break
Stefan Kovacevic

Stefan Kovacevic

Contact Person Chemistry



  • Valuable knowledge for your further career
  • No additional purchase of lecture notes needed
  • Good and useful tutorials
Magdalena Sturm

Magdalena Sturm

Contact Person Informatics

Mechanical Engineering


  • General knowledge in different fields (mechanics, material sciences, production)
  • Versatile forms of application
  • Insight into technical drawing, including practical course
Jana Kischkat

Jana Kischkat

Contact Person Mechanical Engineering



  • Really detailed immersion in medical topics together with real medical students
  • Small and cohesive community
  • Great compensation to economic subjects
  • Mixed subjects from LMU as well as TUM make it really interdisciplinary
  • Learning the medical jargon
  • Trains you to be innovation pioneers
  • Many sports medicine aspects
  • Very practical
Antonia Rauch

Antonia Rauch

Contact Person Medicine

Computer Engineering


  • Many possibilities for own course choices
  • Courses from different technical specializations
  • Completely in English
Nicolas Dumpe

Nicolas Dumpe

Contact Person Computer Engineering

Renewable Resources


  • Lectures in small group sizes
  • All lectures in Straubing
  • Personal atmosphere with good contact to lecturers and professors
  • Very good career prospects in the field of sustainability / renewable resources
Moritz Schafft

Moritz Schafft

Contact Person Renewable Resources

Career News

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