Welcome to the Student Council TUM School of Management Heilbronn!

Students located at the TUM-Campus in Heilbronn are represented through our local “Student Council Heilbronn”. We have a lot in common with the Student Council in Munich, but there are also some slight differences in our structure and tasks. Present in Heilbronn since 2018, the TUM-SOM-branch is a very young entity, and so is its Student Council. We are currently in a development stage, where every semester, new dedicated students join our “Fachschaft” to help shape the life and experiences at our campus. Anyone who wants to be a part of our big family can get active and participate in one of the three following departments: University Policy, Event Management, and Social Media & Marketing. But what do the individual departments actually do?

University Policy

  • We are the point of contact regarding questions about your studies in Heilbronn
  • We offer guidance to any prospective students wanting to start at TUM Campus Heilbronn
  • We constantly try to improve the experience of students here in Heilbronn
  • We work closely with the administration and faculty to improve your learning experience
  • The campus size provides us with a bigger sphere of influence
  • We are involved in the hiring process of new professors for our campus

Event Management

  • We plan and organize all student-related events
  • Be it parties, get-togethers, or virtual meetings, we will not let your student life get boring
  • We cooperate with various entities from our campus to organize common events
  • We aim to get people together and give students of TUM-Heilbronn a platform to socialize and meet new people
  • We care about all aspects of your social campus life

Social Media & Marketing

  • We manage and create content on our Instagram page
  • We administer all TUM-HN-bachelor/master-groups on Facebook
  • We organize a job-board for the students in Heilbronn
  • We create posters and rollouts for events
  • We are the voice of the Student Council
  • We work together with our two other departments

Get in Touch!

Do you have any questions regarding the Student Council Heilbronn, or are you interested in joining us?

Feel free to contact tumstudentcouncil.hn@gmail.com or contact one of our department heads:

Photographs Made by Photographer MATT STARK

© Copyright - TUM-BWL e.V.