Electrical Engineering
- Lectures in small groups
- Future-oriented topics, such as renewable energies
- Several options for choice, also already during your Bachelors’
- All lectures take place on the main campus

Felix Neo Rieder
Contact Person Electrical Engineering
TUM SOMChemistry
- Well-thought-out and doable lectures
- Friendly lecturers
- Hands-on and interesting experiments
- Repetition exams right at the end of the semester break

Stefan Kovacevic
Contact Person Chemistry
TUM SOMInformatics
- Valuable knowledge for your further career
- No additional purchase of lecture notes needed
- Good and useful tutorials

Magdalena Sturm
Contact Person Informatics
TUM SOMMechanical Engineering
- General knowledge in different fields (mechanics, material sciences, production)
- Versatile forms of application
- Insight into technical drawing, including practical course

Jana Kischkat
Contact Person Mechanical Engineering
TUM SOMMedicine
- Really detailed immersion in medical topics together with real medical students
- Small and cohesive community
- Great compensation to economic subjects
- Mixed subjects from LMU as well as TUM make it really interdisciplinary
- Learning the medical jargon
- Trains you to be innovation pioneers
- Many sports medicine aspects
- Very practical

Antonia Rauch
Contact Person Medicine
TUM SOMComputer Engineering
- Many possibilities for own course choices
- Courses from different technical specializations
- Completely in English

Nicolas Dumpe
Contact Person Computer Engineering
TUM SOMRenewable Resources
- Lectures in small group sizes
- All lectures in Straubing
- Personal atmosphere with good contact to lecturers and professors
- Very good career prospects in the field of sustainability / renewable resources

Moritz Schafft
Contact Person Renewable Resources