University Policy

The department for University Policy contains all “political” duties and projects of the student council. We represent your interests in a broad number of committees against the faculty, professors, and the entire university. Our tasks consist of causes such as improving the overall level of teaching, remodeling our degree programs, the use of student fee compensation funds, but also legal aspects and changes to the statutes. This makes the University Policy department the heart of the student council, right next to Student Counseling.

According to the rules and regulations of the student council, the department is headed by the two highest-ranking elected student members within the TUM School of Management. The department heads for the academic year 2020/21 are Laura Faber and Hanna Scholta.

Please feel free to contact them with any types of questions or concerns in our areas of activity, or if you would like to join the University Policy department as an active member. Upon request, the two are also available for conversations in person.

Our department meetings take place every three to five weeks. These meetings are the place to hear news from all committees as well as learn about the status of ongoing projects. We also discuss all current university affairs and challenges. The results of these discussions are entered as votes into the council meetings, in order to solidify our position as student council and our course of action on specific issues. The invites to these meetings are sent via the student council’s mailing list. If you are interested in university policy or would like to simply listen in on a meeting, please contact Hanna or Laura about the date and location of the next meeting.

As the next order of business, we would like to introduce you to several university committees as well as our areas of operations. In order to contact the representatives of these committees, use the email scheme to send them a message.

Committees & Responsibilites

  • Faculty Council (FKR)

    The Faculty Council (FKR) is the highest-ranking decision-making body at the TUM School of Management. It is the forum for making all relevant and binding decisions affecting the faculty as a whole. It is composed of the dean as well as representatives of all chairs, the research staff (e.g. doctoral candidates), as well as other staff and student body representatives.

    The Faculty Council’s main areas of activity include:

      • Strategic direction of the faculty
      • Amendments to the articles of association
      • New degree programs
      • Graduation regulations
      • Assembly of appointments committees

    The representatives of the student body are elected annually during university elections. For the academic year 2019/20, your representatives in front of the faculty are Laura Faber and Hanna Scholta. For questions and commentary, you can reach them at any time via the general mail adress or their personal mail addresses.

  • Board of Student Councils (FSR)

    The Board of Student Councils (FSR) is the highest-ranking student committee on campus. This is where representatives of all TUM student councils convene to discuss university topics and cast votes on action items such as:

      • Accreditation of student chapters
      • Election of the representative in front of the students’ union executive committee (AStA)
      • Attribution of reserve funds

    During the 2019/20 academic year, Krisztian Havasi, Isabella Hennessen, Alexander Reisenauer and Felix Rieder are representing the TUM SOM student council. For questions and commentary, you can reach them at any time under our general mail adress or their personal email addresses.

  • Committee of the Improvement of Teaching (AVL)

    The Committee for the Improvement of Teaching is also part of the faculty. It rules on the use of student fee compensation funds at the TUM SOM. Areas of focus include the number and size of allotments to the following areas:

      • Recordings of teaching sessions (e.g. Lecturio)
      • Tutorials
      • First semester mentoring programs

    The Committee for the Improvement of Teaching is assembled on the basis of parity from representatives of the student body as well as faculty members. Our representatives in this committee can be reached via mail. Currently, the responsibles are Nikolas Kaltenbach, Tobias Tiemeier, Elena Wegner and Lucis Zarate.

  • Quality Circles (QCs)

    For every study program there is a small committee called the Quality Circle. It consists of 2-4 representatives of the student council, the program manager from the faculty administration and the Academic Program Director (APD). The Quality Circles meet two or three times per semester and discuss programme-specific topics like new changes or problemes.

    • Bachelor in Management & Technology: Prof. Maume
    • Master in Management and Technology: Prof. Fuchs
    • Master in Management: Prof. Kehr
    • Master in Consumer Science (früher Consumer Affairs): Prof. Roosen

    For programme-specific request the QC representatives are your contact persons.

    You can contact them via mail:

…What else is the University Policy Departement involved with?

  • Supervising Accreditations

    One of the tasks of our department is the supervision of the accreditation process for our degree programs. The overall goal of our faculty lies in reaching all three international accreditations for business degree programs (AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS). These efforts require some major restructuring within the degree programs as well as additional work (introductions, control visits, reporting, target agreements, etc.) that also involves us as your student body representatives. For this reason, we provide specific contact persons to continuously be updated on the current state of accreditations while coordinating efforts on our side.

    For questions regarding accreditations, Niklaas Deutscher is your point person. He can be reached via email.

  • Appointment Committees

    Professors don’t grow on trees, and all of our professors have invested years of diligent work and research before claiming a chair in our faculty. But how did they get there? For the appointment of vacant or newly created professorial positions, we assemble so-called appointments committees, which are also part of the University Policy department. Appointment committees are not permanent institutions but assembled and called upon anew by the Faculty Council for every single position to be filled. What all these committees have in common is the fact that they each include two student representatives to ensure that every appointment also takes into account the interests of students and that professors are appointment not solely on their research results, but also on their track records as teachers. Appointment proceedings feature a 30-minute interview for each professorial candidate, including a short teaching presentation in front of student council representatives which also factors into final appointment decisions.

  • Extramural Networking

    The extramural networking with other student councils is also part of the University Policy resort. In order to better assess our own position and future direction, we actively engage in exchanges with other student councils at business schools. Aside from individual meetings with other student councils, we also place great emphasis on taking part in the National Student Council Conference for Business and Socio-economic Sciences.

Niklas Kutzner

Niklas Kutzner

Head of University Policy Department

Adrian Lucke

Adrian Lucke

Head of University Policy Department

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