which is your chance to vote for your student representatives!

WHEN: 9 July, 2024; 9 am – 5 pm

WHERE: Immatriculation Hall (Room 0136) 

WHY: Decide about the future of your University and vote for the students who strive to improve your life at your university + YOU WILL GET A FREE COCKTAIL at the cocktail booth taking place from 9-11 July, 2024.

What is necessary to vote? Nothing but your valid student ID card!

If you are unable to come on the 9th of July, there is also the possibility for postal voting. Request the voting documents until June 25, 2024 via TUMonline under the section “Documents”. Of course, shipping is for free. But don’t forget to send back your vote in time to have it arrive until July 7!!

For more information, check out our Instagram channel (@sctumsom) or have a look at this website* (

We hope to see you on the 9th July!

Best regards,

Student Council TUM SOM

Why should I vote?*

  • You set the direction of Higher Education Policy for the next year!
  • You motivate your Student Representatives!
  • You strengthen the position of the Student Representation and thus your interests!
  • You strengthen your Student Representatives in the committees and thereby influence the development of your department and your university!
  • How to do postal vote?

    Go to TUMonline, under Documents, click on Request postal service. (takes 30 sec.)

    Need help? How-to-video

  • Vote on campus

    Vote on 9 July, 2024; 9 am – 5 pm

    at Immatriculation Hall (Room 0136)

  • Free Cocktail for you!

    If you have voted you will get a free cocktail at our cocktail booth (postal or on campus). Don’t miss that opportunity

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