University elections at TUM SOM 2019
On July 2nd of 2019, this year’s university elections for the student representatives of all important university committees take place. To be able to keep working for you and your successful studies, the candidates need your vote! The elected representatives only have the opportunity to assert your requests and demands towards the faculty, if they obtain the adequately legitimation.
Moreover, a voucher for a free cocktail from our cocktail booth is already reserved for every participant of the university elections! Well then – cast your vote on July 2nd of 2019 from 9 am to 5 pm in the matriculation hall! Your vote matters!
Unfortunately, you can’t be at university on July 2nd? No problem – just for one click you get all documents per post. Apply for postal voting until June 18th on TUM Online.
The candidates of the list of your student council TUM SOM (LitFaS):
Cris Plouda & Elena Wegner
Support us, so we can support you.
We are running together as student delegates for the faculty board.
What do we do there?
We represent your interests.
In the past year, we have interviewed and given our vote to choose several new professors who will start working and teaching at TUM in the following years. We have suggested and fought for changes to improve our courses and are in constant contact with the faculty to improve our studies even more. One big achievement is the seminar tool, which allocates seminars much fairer and suitable to your needs. For the Bachelor Management & Technology, we managed to make it possible to choose medicine as a technology specialization in the near future.
For the following year, we plan to keep up this work and continue being the bridge between you and TUM. We are glad to answer any questions you may have and to hear your concerns!
Lastly, the more of you vote, the more legitimate our standing in the faculty board will be.
So, we kindly ask every single one of you to support us, so that we can support you!
Cris & Elena
Who are we individually?
Cris has been a student delegate for the faculty board for the past year already. He loves his work and is eager to represent your interests for another year. Aside from being part of the faculty board, he coordinated the university policy department for the student council. Through six different boards, he stood in constant contact with the faculty and together with his team, worked on improving all of our courses. Another aspect that was important to him, was pushing for better relations with other student councils at TUM. To keep up the work and run many more projects together with Elena, he’d love to stay faculty board member for another term.
Elena is studying in her second Bachelor semester and has been part of the student council’s university policy department since the start of her studies. Since then she has taken on the task of helping the students on the new TUM Campus Heilbronn build their own student council and is in constant contact with them. Now, she’d love to become your student faculty board delegate and, together with Cris, take your concerns to heart and work towards improving your studies.
Stefanie Freymann
Connecting you with other departments and our SoM faculty is my biggest goal!
As a third-year undergraduate student I’ve been part of the student council for the better part of two years now. By representing our SoM at the Student Councils Convention I’ve been giving voice to our students and their wishes in front of other departments. Apart from university policy, I’m also dedicatetely involved in events organised by the General Student Representation and a TUMi Tutor for exchange/international students. Help me keep up the work in the future by giving me your vote!
Krisztian Havasi
A long way to go
No matter how complicated my name seems to be, as a person I am very straightforward, approachable, open and ambitious. As a former spokesperson of my classmates in Budapest, Vienna and Munich, an office which has accompanied me throughout my whole school-career, topped by the last two years at a Munich Gymnasium where I had the pleasure to act as grade-spokesperson and school-president of 1300 pupils, I have made the necessary skills and experience my own.
Now that I am in my third Bachelor semester, I want to put them to good use at the student council convention, where I wish to invariably serve the cause of improving the inner life of the most excellent university in Germany. With my early start there is much to accomplish through me – for us. I am looking forward to welcoming you to our booths on the election day.
Isabella Hennessen
With experience for your interests in the Board of Student Councils!
I am active in the student council and the student union since the beginning of my studies, hence I fight for your interests for 3 years by now. Next year I will participate in the Board of Student Councils for our student council and use my accumulated knowledge about our university and its processes, to get the best for our university life! Besides my activities in this committee where all student councils come together, I am engaging in the student union. By this engagement I am improving our networking, ensuring that we receive all important information ready on time and can communicate it to you as early as possible!
Jürgen Schiffer
I am studying Bachelor TUM-BWL in the second semester and have been involved in the student council since the start of my studies. My tasks are the sale of the scripts of the technical specializations. Additionally, I am a member of the quality circle Bachelor. Further, I am aiming to represent our faculty as a representative of the TUM SOM in the Student Council Convention.
With your support, I want to further improve our study experience.
Simon Hochstraßer
Planning Commission for Study Grants: I want the financial resources for Lecturio and the tutorials to be distributed meaningfully, so that lectures are promptly online and there are enough tutorials available. At the moment, I am studying TUM-BWL in the 2nd semester and I am in the student council since my first semester. I am involved as CFO of the TUM-BWL e. V. (the society behind the student council TUM-SOM) and make sure that your opportunities at the TUM School of Management become better and more attractive. The interests of all students should find an open ear and be represented effectively in the university policy department. It would be my pleasure to make the most of your studies for you.
Maximilian Obermeier
Since my first semester I have been involved in the student council and since then I have also been active in the Quality Circle for the Bachelor Management and Technology. This is basically a committee in which we work together with the faculty and our professors to solve problems in our course and to improve it further. In addition to the department of university policy, I am also active in event management and have, for example, organized the cocktail booth that takes place parallel to the university election. In addition to my duties, I am particularly proud of the title “Quality Assurance Alcohol” which I have been awarded internally by the student council. I would be very pleased to receive your votes in order to be able to take on certain tasks (e.g. appointment commissions or AVL) in the field of higher education policy.
Niklaas Deutscher
The Man for You
Why should you vote for me?
Good question but easy to answer.
The first thing I did when I came to university was to explore the best opportunity I (in particular: WE) have in order to enforce our interests. In my last year at school I was the first representative of my colleagues and therefore I know how great the feeling of pushing things which are in the interest of all of us students through, is.
Shortly, a vote for me is a vote for the enforcement of your interests. Because this is what I want to do in the following years: I want to enforce our interests with all my time and competences I have.
Maybe this could be a reason for you to vote for me – at least I hope so …“
(Postscriptum: If you have any complaints or wishes do not hesitate to contact me! – niklaas.deutscher@tum-som.com)
Luis Wallner
I’m currently in my second semester and involved in the student council, especially in the University Policy departement. Since it’s my goal to design the study program as fair and pleasant as possible for us and our successors, I’m committed to the Quality Circle Bachelor Management & Technology. In order to achieve this, I would be very happy if you support me at the election!
Laura Faber
Engagement changes lives
In the last four semesters, that I’ve been in the student council, I have taken on tasks like co-organizing the orientation week for freshmen and multiple shifts in several of our events and being responsible for the student council Facebook page. Since this semester, I am the student council speaker and together with my two teammates we get to represent You in front of the faculty to make Your university experience the best it can be. I highly appreciate the support though Your votes!
Julia Berchtenbreiter
Since the beginning of my studies I have been participating in the student council. In the past I already have been involved in the organization of many project, for example the graduation ceremony and the welcoming events for the frehmen. Further, I am head of the student experience department for the second year in a row now. Among other things, this involves the organization of information events about your studies and the “Fachschaftsvollversammlung”. In the next semester it the is my goal to participate in the organization of many more projects such as the O-Phase in order to make your studies even more pleasant.
Jennifer Brehm
Sober I am shy
After I organized some events in my first semester for you guys, I became the head of the event management department. That means no matter whether a refreshing cocktail in the summer, the traditional mulled wine in the winter or one of the TUM SOM Partys, I am the right contact!
I would be honored to put the shyness aside together at the next following events!
Fabian Frömelt
Do you like this website? Has it already helped you?
I have been responsible for this with my team for one year. I have been involved in the student council since my first semester, i.e. for almost three years now, in order to enrich your study life at TUM SOM. Nevertheless, I am always happy about new projects and challenges. After various smaller activities and my work on the website, I am now able to pass on my experience as Head of Marketing & Internet. I am happy about this responsibility and would like to continue with this new role and with your support to further projects such as the better supply of information in German and English or the improvement of career opportunities at TUM SOM.Nicolas Gail
Let me entertain you!
University life should be fun. That’s why I’m taking part in the event department of the student council since WS 16/17. Nowadays, I’m head of the event department and I’m organizing our TUM SOM parties, the mulled wine- and cocktail booth, as well as some other cool events for you. For me it’s important to offer you as much fun as possible in your studies. That’s why I, as your elected representative, would like to carry on my office and organize many more fun events for you.
Linda Karger
The student council contributes an important part to the improvement of the study situation, which is the reason why I have been active in the student council since the beginning of my bachelor studies. I have been involved in the organization of several events, such as the start-up party in the northern building. Furthermore, I have been representing the students in the student council convention to ensure that our students are also heard on a university level. As head of the Student Experience department, I am responsible for making everyday student life as easy as possible, giving the freshmen students a successful start to their studies and always providing advice to all students. I would be happy if you gave me the chance to continue my commitment to this cause.
Lea Plischuk
As head of Marketing & Internet, I do my best to keep you informed about everything you need to know for your student life at the TUM SOM. Besides that, I help everywhere I can so that you can have the very best experience at our faculty. Help us raise our voice for your studies!
Maria Stan
… a.k.a. the “Hardcore Helper” of the Student Council
I’ve been enjoying my time with the Student Council TUM SOM ever since my first Bachelor semester. During this time I have organized some events for you, including the last Day of the Initiatives and information sessions, and I have also answered many of your questions through the secretary of the Student Council. This semester I became head of the Student Experience department. My mission now is to make sure that every one of you, no matter where you come from, feels integrated at the TUM School of Management and gets our help whenever needed.
Nikolas Kaltenbach
I have been active in the student council for four years now and was the main organiser for several events during this time, such as the Start UpParty at the main campus, the orientation phase for freshmen or the summer ball. Furthermore, I am responsible for the non-university representation of the TUM BWL e.V., the association behind the student council. This mainly involves the financial handling of all activities of the student council and, for example, the establishment and maintenance of partnerships with interesting companies to enrich the opportunities of the students. As an elected representative I would like to continue to support the expansion of the possibilities at the TUM School of Management.
Jonas Stein
Commitment? Can I eat that?
My way to the student council TUM-SOM was not an easy one. I started with the TUM Speakers Series and the TUM Business Game in my 3rd Bachelor semester. There I was quite active for two years, but then I wanted to go on new adventures. Because of my engagement in the above-mentioned initiatives there was always a very close connection to the student representatives and the transition was a logical step. As an elected representative, my responsibility are your interests. In my still quite young career as a representative of the student representatives, I would also support these interests vis-à-vis the faculty.
Mohammed Aquib Ahmed
I got a heart, I got a vision, voting for me is a good decision!
Since my high school, I have been very pro-active in student council body and have taken up many major roles and responsibilities in making student experience better from time to time. My main intention as a student representative for University Policy is to bridge the gap between the faculty and students and make sure all your problems and difficulties with respect to studies or anything related to it are addressed and solved. I would be very delighted to take up this role as a student representative for the new TUM-Heilbronn campus and see this opportunity as a challenging task as the University is getting established in this new region. To move forward with this, I need all your support and hence am looking forward for your vote.
Hafsa Kazmi
I vow to always hear you out. J
As a member of the Quality Circle of Student Council at TUM Heilbronn, I intend to listen, understand and act on your feedback to further improve and boost the quality of education at TUM Heilbronn. I am an amicable person and I aim to attend to all your concerns and represent your feedback, interests and wishes to the best of my capabilities. I am determined to collaborate with the administration to increase the number of seminars, workshops and networking events offered at TUM Heilbronn. Together let’s make the student life at TUM Heilbronn fun and worthwhile!
Vincent Klein
Since the beginning of my studies, I have been active in the student council and am particularly involved in university politics and student experience to improve our studies. This semester I co-organize the orientation phase of the coming first semester students to give them a good start into university. In order to improve the everyday life of the university even more effectively in the future, I would be very happy about your vote.
Liz Pflugbeil
Being a voice for us students
For five years I have been working in the area of university policy to try to improve our study conditions. I was your representative in the quality circle of the Master in Management and Technology and I was the student’s representative in several appointment committees. With your vote I would like to continue working on improving our study conditions. Of special concern for me is the representation of the student’s perspective and emphasizing the importance of good teaching.
Benedikt Retsch
Since the start of my studies, I have been involved in the Student Representation. Especially in the field of University policy because in my view, the work here generates long-term output. From October 2016 to September 2018, I was also part of the chair from TUM Student Council and the Student Representative Office of the TUM (AStA). In this time, I represented the interests of students at the university level. Now, I would like to contribute this gained experience to our Departmental Student Council next year. Furthermore, I would like to continue to have an open ear for your individual concerns and to support you in the best possible way at all times.
Stephan Baier
I am studying in the 2nd semester of my master’s degree in Management & Technology with a specialization in informatics as well as finance & accounting. I have been active within the student council since the beginning of my master’s degree. As part of my work in the area of university policy, I have already accompanied various evaluation and appointment committees and welcomed our newly appointed professors to the School of Management. I would be delighted to represent your interests in the future and further strengthen the cooperation between students and professors.
Philipp Eberwein
Beer price cap for Maxvorstadt!
I’m a member of the student council since commencing with my studies in 2014 and I’m mainly active in the department for university policy. As an elected member of the student council I’d like to further improve your study conditions and to represent you in appointment committees for new professors. Outside of university policy, I’ve initiated the university rallye for BMT freshmen in 2017 and I’d like to help enhancing your studies and your university life in the upcoming year.
Annabell Herz
Since the beginning of my studies in 2014, I enjoy being involved in the student council TUM SOM. Besides the organization of events like the orientation days for freshmen or the Start-Up Crawl, I am one of the heads of the student council. Together with my team, I aim to coordinate our student council internally and represent your interests towards the faculty.
Julia Wang
I am an active member of the student council for almost six years now. As one of the student council speakers I have worked for many years for your interests vis-à-vis the faculty management. In the “Student Experience” department, I further improved your everyday student life and managed the department with the focus on all master students of the TUM School of Management, as well as coordinating events such as the Start-Up Crawl, the Running Dinner or Master’s regulars’ tables. I would like to use my experience as an elected student representative and look forward to your vote!
Jonas Bürkner
I’m an entrepreneurial & curious student of Technology & Management in the 2nd Bachelor semester and I just joined the TUM SOM Student Council in May. Besides my studies, I love mountainbiking, teaching skiing, working on hands-on projects such as techChallenge at UnternehmerTUM and last but not least…
…I want to bring about change in the following areas from a position in the TUM SOM Student Council:
- making intake procedures more transparent and comparable, especially for the Masters
- improving lecture culture, especially in the Bachelor with mostly obligatory up to ~800 student lectures with little to no participation
- getting even closer to your needs! Giving you more ways of participation and establishing a feedback culture to shape an even better place for us to grow professionally and personally.
Mohit Gautam
I am Mohit Gautam, currently studying in my 2nd Semester of the Master in Management. I have been in the student council from the 1st Semester in Master in Management. I have previous experience of student council and policies from my bachelors and experience of heading the council and various team. I am particularly interested in working towards the policies and curriculum in the TUM SOM regarding the master students specially for internationals. I will also work towards better inter cultural exchange between various internationals and German students. There is lot to be done towards internationalization of the SOM faculty and I am committed towards making it more international friendly, socially and academically. I will work towards solving any issues or bring it forward to the relevant channel. I would like that you give me your vote and I would become your voice in Student Council and in front of faculty.
Alexander Gromovych
Altogether we shape the future of TUM!
Since I’ve started my studies at TUM, I was very passionate about international cooperation between students from different countries. This implies not only an active participation in the study process, but some extra curriculum activities as well. Here I mainly mean working together on different projects in Student Council, which enables me to get a clearer idea of how TUM works. The most important here is, however, the contribution I am able to provide using my past experiences in school which inspires me a lot. In particular, I would like to be involved in the University Policy Department activities.