Financing your studies

The next Day of Scholarships and Study Financing Option takes place on November 5th, 2020, between 2 pm and 3:30 pm

Join us via Zoom: (Password: 194033)

  • Bafög

    BAföG is a financial support for students and pupils with little financial backing from their parents to enable them to study. It consists of two parts: One half you get as an interest-free loan, the other half is actually gifted from the state. No matter how many loans you accumulate over time, it can never be more than 10.000€. So you will never have to pay back more than that.

    More information: BAföG Website

  • Scholarships

    Generally speaking, scholarships are financial support for your studies. The primary goal of a scholarship is to support talented and committed, but usually also financially needy people (especially young people), especially in financial form, and thus to enable or facilitate their education or further education. As a rule, scholarships are awarded on the basis of political, social and religious criteria and, in particular, on the basis of good academic, school or sports performance. The weighting of these criteria usually depends on the respective scholarship provider.

    Here are a few scholarships as examples:

Aelius Förderwerk

You want to go abroad? Looking for ways to finance your studies? The Aelius Förderwerk supports you with a free advisory service! Our volunteers will help you with questions about application, financing and scholarships. In this way, we want to help you to continue to follow your goals despite Corona.



Avicenna Studienwerk

Our central goal is the comprehensive support of talented Muslim students and doctoral candidates through scholarships. Our non-material support includes a variety of educational events that are interdisciplinary in their orientation. We offer you a support that is tailored to your needs!




The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is committed to the fundamental values of social democracy – freedom, justice and solidarity. In order to strengthen educational justice, it supports in particular women, young first-time academics and people with a migration background. All study programs are supported.



Application deadlines:

  • 30.04. for the Summer Semester
  • 31.10. for the Winter Semester

Yet, applications can be made anytime, you can find more information here.

Foundation of the German Economy

The SDW awards scholarships to students and doctoral candidates with good performance, high social commitment and determination. In addition to financial support, a diverse program of seminars on social and political topics in which “corporate responsibility” is the central theme is offered. Sufficient German language skills are needed.



Application deadlines:

  • on April 27th April for students
  • on March 10th and August 10th for promotes

Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst

The Evangelisches Studienwerk promotes students of all subjects at universities of applied sciences and universities throughout Germany. They offer their scholarship holders* comprehensive individual support, a varied interdisciplinary educational programme and the chance to participate in decision-making at all levels. Their financial support is based on the BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act) and includes up to 744 euros per month plus 300 euros flat-rate tuition fees and many other benefits, for example for stays abroad.


  • Study Fond

    Study funds are an elegant solution to finance your student life.

    • Flexible payments: Monthly, semi-annual, etc.
    • Can be combined with BAföG, scholarships and other financial aid
    • Income-linked repayment in accordance with individual work and life situation

    → ensure that next generation of students can be supported

    • Independent from parental income

Deutsche Bildung

With the Deutsche Bildung study-fund, students of all subjects are led into a successful future. They receive flexible financing for  their studies and at the same time are supported in their personal development with a training program and made fit for the working world.


The most relevant information:

  • Flexible amounts from 3,000 euros to a maximum of 30,000 euros depending on the course of
  • Monthly payments, half-yearly payments or one-off payments
  • Quick decision within 1 to 2 weeks
  • Can be combined with Bafög, scholarships and loans
  • Repayment pro rata of later income
  • Pausing repayment in certain life situations
  • Protection against over-indebtedness
  • Training program WissenPlus for your full potential
  • Year-round online application without deadlines
  • Study Loan

    The student loan is a special form of a loan which is not paid out in a total amount but in monthly instalments. It is primarily aimed at students who have a financial shortfall in terms of living expenses during their studies due to low or no BAföG entitlement.

    • In principle open to everyone
    • Usually no collateral or guarantors required
    • partial early start of repayment
  • Job

    Or do you want to gain work experience and earn money at the same time? There are two possibilities:


    • Max. 538€ / month
    • Max. 20h / week
    • Tax free & no social security contributions

    Working student:

    • Max. 20h / week during the semester
    • Max. 40h / week during the semester break:
    • Tax allowance of 11.604€ / year
    • Studies must be the main focus

    You can find jobs on LinkedIn, on the TUM Alumni Jobboard or on the Jobboard of the Student Council TUM SOM.

In case you have any further questions, you can always contact us via mail or check on the website of TUM.

Your Student Council TUM SOM

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