Creative processes and agile structures become key success factors for our clients. With technology disruption and higher rates of automation, companies must establish new forms of collaboration to cope with increasing complexity, new organizational structures, skill sets and leadership styles.

Learn how to develop innovative work practices in a period of rapid technological changes!

  • When and where

    • 07 Oct 2019, 11am-7pm, PwC Munich
  • Agenda

    Morning session

    • Get to know PwC’s Management Consulting
    • Learn about the everyday challenges of our customers

    Afternoon session

    • Together with experienced PwC consultants, you will work on real-life challenges
    • Present your ideas and receive feedback from PwC professionals
  • Benefits of attending

    • Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of Design Thinking methodology. You will have the chance to convince our speakers of your potential and start building your relationship with PwC.
  • Who should attend

    • All TUM SOM freshmen Master students who are seeking to acquire innovation know-how & want to add a multifaceted company like PwC to their network!
  • How to apply?

    • Please send your CV (max. 1 page) together with a short motivational statement on why you should participate to until 25 Sep 2019, noon. You will receive your invitation on 30 Sep 2019 eod.
    • Please note that your application will be shared with both members of the Student Council and PwC. Click here to download all relevant information. Be sure that we don’t just base our selection on your grade – it is your personality that matters most!


Kristina Kompalla: “In the past 7 years, I helped Procurement practices worldwide to establish lean headquarter structures and digitize processes. I am passionate about creating value for our clients and contributing to a healthy work culture.”

Till Saalbach: “During my 1.5 years at PwC Management Consulting, I worked with global clients to prepare their finance function for the future by creating lean and digital processes and streamlining their organization.”