We are back to provide you with valuable insights and first hand tipps for your time at TUM. 

First of all, we hope you had a great start into the new hybrid semester so far. If you want to acquire some background knowledge in regard to your studies, check out our questions of the month below.

I like my studies at TUM School of Management but can I also take an active role in my school’s evaluation process?

The student body of TUM School of Management will take part in the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) of 2021. It evaluates the schools contribution to solving societal challenges and acting as a lever of change to the transformation of the business school landscape. This rating gives you the unique chance to contribute to the assessment of TUM School of Management’s positive impact. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for more updates about the PIR.

Want to have a say in TUM School of Management’s new professors?

Every potential candidate for a professorship position at TUM School of Management has to undergo a certain hiring process. One part of this process is a 25 minute mock lecture followed by a 25 minute Q&A session exclusively attended and moderated by students. All you have to do is listen to a very interesting lecture on highly relevant and innovative topics and fill out a short survey right afterwards. We regularly announce upcoming mock lecture dates on our Instagram page (@fstumsom). 

Want to get involved in re-shaping the computer engineering specialization?

You are currently studying in either the Bachelor or the Master program in Management & Technology and have chosen Computer Engineering as your technical specialization? Yet, within the last semesters you have gotten the feeling that there still is some room for improvement and you have ideas on interesting topics that should be covered in this specialization? The faculty is currently revising the structure of the Computer Engineering specialization and is looking for students that want to share their thoughts and get involved. If you are interested, reach out to us via

I am having trouble with one of my online courses – What can I do?

Late uploads of lecture videos, lack of platforms to get in contact with the lecturer or general confusion regarding the course schedule – online teaching is still fairly new to most of our lecturers and they are doing their best to implement learnings from the past semester. However, it’s always possible that one misses out on something that may be of importance to the course participants. We are here to help you get the best out of the new teaching formats by reaching out to the respective faculty, chair or lecturer in the name of all students of TUM School of Management. This means that you will stay anonymous with your suggestions for improvements. So in case you are facing difficulties in any of your subjects, do not hesitate to contact us via

Still unsure about how to complete the International Experience Module during these times of travel restrictions etc.?

There is a substitute course that allows you to fulfill the international experience module requirements. It will be offered as long as students of TUM SOM are still affected by travel restrictions due to the pandemic. The first course started in October with 15 people and the faculty is continuously booking new courses on demand. Also be aware that doing an online semester abroad does count as a fulfillment of the international experience module requirements.

If the pandemic affected your semester abroad with TUM SOMex or TUM exchange, please contact the faculty’s International Office. If you planned on attending a summer/winter school or intended to do an internship abroad, you can ask your study program manager for consultation.
Important: You will only be able to take part in the substitute course after a personal consultation!

If you already are a participant of the substitute course, the faculty recommends handing in your report or signing up for the exam as soon as you receive your certificate.

As this information can rapidly change depending on the current infection process in Munich, we recommend you to regularly check out the TUM’s and faculty’s corona websites:

Need some advice on how to stay focused and balanced at home?

TUM4Mind will host the “Awareness Week 2020” from November 23rd until November 27th. Unter the theme “Take Care of Your Mental Health”, they created a diverse program in online format to take part in. You can register for each slot individually on their website.

Beyond this, the Studentenwerk is offering personal and anonymous consultation sessions free of charge if you ever feel the need to talk to someone and receive mental support. These times are new territory for all of us, which is why everybody needs to find out what works best for himself or herself.

We hope you are all happy, safe and healthy!

Your Student Council TUM SOM

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